Valentine’s Flash Sale

Friday, February 5
Valentine's Flash Sale!
9 AM - 1 PM

Hypnosis 3 sessions including initial consultation $799

(excludes weight loss)

This is your chance to get our most popular treatments at a major discount! Share with a friend!

Call 956-350-0024, 956-350-0007 or, 956-350-8788
or Come By the office to purchase.

Buy Now, Use Later

Essential Medical Beauty will have these offers below!

Laser Hair Removal

- Buy a Full Bikini get 1 FREE Underarms AND 1 FREE Upper lip  $120

- Buy Lower Legs and get 2 FREE Underarms $125

- Buy 2 Underarms and get 1 FREE $100

- 4 Upper lips for $75

- Full Legs for $200

- Half Face $60

Facials or Derma Peels (microdermabrasion) 2 treatments for $100

Endermologie  8 sessions for $380

(body hose not included)

ICON Laser for Face or Neck  $170

(Numbing cream included)

SculpSure WarmSculpting 8 applicators for $997

Sleep and Weight Loss

Is Sleep a Problem for You?*

Did you know most experts say as little as a 10% decrease in weight can lead to significant clinical improvement in the severity of sleep apnea!

Snoring may be thought of as simply an annoyance, but in addition it could also be a symptom of sleep apnea, one of the worst health conditions linked to obesity.

What is Sleep Apnea?

When someone suffers from sleep apnea, he or she experiences partial or full obstruction of airflow between the mouth, nose, and lungs. In severe cases, sleep apnea sufferers stop breathing at several points throughout a sleep cycle. You read that right. Stop breathing.

So why does it happen?

In people with sleep apnea, the muscles relax so much that oxygen is partially or completely obstructed. When this happens, the brain senses too much carbon dioxide in the blood stream and jerks the sleeper awake, usually with a snort or big gasp for air.

More Symptoms

In addition to snoring and gasping during sleep, other symptoms of sleep apnea include excessive daytime sleepiness, vision problems, dry mouth or sore throat in the morning, and morning headaches.

What can I do about it?

Anyone can suffer from sleep apnea, but increased weight is a leading cause for developing the condition. That’s why most doctors recommend weight loss and other lifestyle changes as a primary way to reverse or eliminate the effects of sleep apnea. If left untreated,sleep apnea can develop into much more serious conditions, such as cardiovascular diseasediabetes, stroke, and can even lead to death.

So if you have a bedtime partner whose snoring makes you want to run for the couch, or if you have noticed any of the telltale signs in yourself, we encourage you to ask a couple of important questions:

1) Could this be sleep apnea, and

2) if so, could it be due to carrying too much weight?

If you can answer yes to both of those questions, the good news is there is one very simple next step you can take: call Dr. del Castillo to schedule a weight consultation. Once you have your results, you’ll be able to work out a plan, and breathe easier knowing sleep apnea need not be a risk in your life.

Are you ready to work on your goals and start feeling the difference in your sleep and daily life?

Then Jump start your weight loss with our 4 week or 6 week customized weight loss program under the supervision of Dr. del Castillo. For either program you get Dr. del Castillo’s expertise for weekly counseling and weigh-ins, EKG, lab work and BMI assessment. Your first consultation is $19 and you’ll get a body composition analysis and discuss plan options with Dr. del Castillo based on your needs and goals.

*The information provided in this  article was originally published by the CMWL blog